This is the footage of the actor that i was going to use as a replacement because i lost my previous actor but i decided to use the previous footage because it was a lot stronger than this footage.
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Changing of Actresss
Due to the unreliability of Catherine Bussey I am no longer able to use her as the character of Amelia Gray in my music video. I have came to two solutions, I re-shoot the video with a different actress ( Hayley Cox) or I use the footage I already have and change the narrative structure. I am going to re-shoot the video but if this actress doesn't work out then I am going to have to resolve to the use of the footage I already have.
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Kett's Rebelion: The significance of Mousehold Heath
Mousehold Heath was where Kett and his rebellion set up their base on the 11th of July 1549. The camp was built near the landmark Oak of Reformation, a large tree at the base of Mousehold Heath. Kett of Wymondham was a former tanner who had become the owner of the manor of Wymondham..People from all around the area, including Norwich itself, joined Kett on the Heath such that their numbers amounted to around 15,000. Morale was so high amongst Kett's men that they rejected further bribes of money, liquor and official pardons, while ripping down buildings around the city. After a couple of weeks on Mousehold Heath, food became scarce and morale was weakening. Then on 22 of July, Kett led the men to an attack on Norwich, with pitchforks, sticks and mud.After a struggling fight, the rebels entered Norwich, formed in the area now known as the marketplace, and assumed temporary control of the city. Then the King sent in several forces to dispatch Kett's men but the men prevailed because of their strong moral and loyalty to Kett. But the King sent in one of his finest generals, Warwick and an army of 14,000. Just as before they fought and fought but they could not prevail and Kett fled to a town outside Norwich, where he was discovered 2 days later. Kett was then convicted for treason at the Tower of London and hung at Norwich Castle as an example.
This is the history of Mousehold Heath, and it shows what an important and historic location it is, making it more significant in my video. It also adds a very strong British signifier to the video, with tough links to Norwich.
I wanted to use the location because of the strong cultural reference, signifying English heritage with the Cathedral in the background.
It also adds mystery, as looking over the city it makes the audience wonder and confuses them to where people could be, just as the character Nathan wonders where his true love has disappeared to.
I wanted to use the location because of the strong cultural reference, signifying English heritage with the Cathedral in the background.
It also adds mystery, as looking over the city it makes the audience wonder and confuses them to where people could be, just as the character Nathan wonders where his true love has disappeared to.
Kett petitioned King Edward VI with a large number of demands:
- We pray your grace that where it is enacted for enclosing, that it be not hurtful to have enclosed saffron grounds for they be greatly chargeable to them, and that from henceforth no man shall enclose any more.
- We certify your grace that whereas the lords of the manors have been charged with certain free rent, the same lords have sought means to charge the freeholders to pay the same rent, contrary to right.
- We pray your grace that no lord of no manor shall common upon the Commons.
- We pray that priests from henceforth shall purchase no land neither free nor Bondy [neither freehold nor copyhold], and the lands that they have in possession may be let to temporal men, as they were in the first year of the reign of King Henry VII [1485].
- We pray that Redeground and meadow ground may be at such price as they were in the first year of King Henry the VII.
- We pray that all marshes that are holden of the Kings majesty by free rent or of any other, may be again at the price that they were in the first year of King Henry the VII.
- We pray that all Bushels within your realm be of one strice, that is to say, to be in measure 8 gallons.
- We pray that priests or vicars that be not able to preach and set forth the word of God to his parishioners may be thereby put from his benefice, and the parishioners there to choose another or else the patron or lord of the town.
- We pray that the payments of castle-ward rent, and blanche ferme [fee in the form of silver], and office lands [kinds of land taxes], which has been accustomed to be gathered of the tenements, whereas we suppose the lords ought to pay the same to their bailiffs for the rents fathering, and not the tenants.
- We pray that no man under the degree of a knight or esquire keep a down house [keeping Doves], except if it has been of an old ancient custom.
- We pray that all freeholders and copyholders may take the profits of all commons, and their to common, and the lords not to common nor take profits of the same.
- We pray that no Feodorye [2] within your shires shall be a councillor to any man in his office making, whereby the King may be truly served, so that a man being of good conscience may be verily chosen to the same office by the commons of the same shire.
- We pray your grace to take all liberty of let into your own hands whereby all men may quietly enjoy their commons with all profits.
- We pray that copyhold land that is reasonable rented may go as it did in the first year of King Henry VII and that at the death of a tenant or of a sale the same lands to be charged with an esey fine (which tenants often paid at the start of their landholding) as a capon or a reasonable sum of money for a remembrance.
- We pray that no priest shall be a chaplain nor no other officer to any man of honour or worship but only to be resident upon their benefices whereby their parishioners may be instructed with the laws of God.
- We pray that all bond men may be made free for god made all free with his precious blood shedding.
- We pray that Rivers may be free and common to all men for fishing and passage.
- We pray that no man shall be put by your Eschetory and Feodrie to find any office unless he holds of your grace in chief or capite above £10 a year.
- We pray that the poor mariners or Fisherman may have the whole profits of their fishings as purpres grampes whales or any great fish so it be not prejudicial to your grace.
- We pray that every proprietary parson or vicar having a benefice of £10 or more by year shall either by themselves or by some other person teach poor men’s children of their parish the book called the cathakysme and the primer.
- We pray that it be not lawful to the lords of any manor to purchase land freely and to let them out again by copy of court roll to their great advaunchement and to the undoing of your poor subjects.
- We pray that no proprietary parson or vicar in consideration of avoiding trouble and suit between them and their poor parishioners which they daily do proceed and attempt shall from henceforth take for the full contention of all the tithes which now they do receive but 8d. of the noble in the full discharge of all other tithes.
- We pray that no man under the degree of [esquire] shall keep any rabbits upon any of their own freehold or copyhold unless he pale them in [confines them] so that it shall not be to the commons nuisance.
- We pray that no manner of person of what estate degree or condition he be shall from henceforth sell the adwardshyppe of any child but that the same child if he live to his full age shall be at his own chosen concerning his marriage the King’s wards only except.
- We pray that no manor of person having a manor of his own shall be no other lord’s bailiff but only his own.
- We pray that no lord knight nor gentleman shall have or take in from any spiritual promotion [gentlemen shouldn't rent the right to collect church tithes].
- We pray your grace to give licence and authority by your gracious commission under your great seal to such commissioners as your poor commons have chosen, or to as many of them as your majesty and your counsel shall appoint and think meet [suitable], for to redress and reform all such good laws, statutes, proclamations, and all other your proceedings, which hath been hidden by your Justices of your peace, Shreves, Escheatores, and others your officers, from your poor commons, since the first year of the reign of your noble grandfather King Henry the seventh.
- We pray that those your officers that have offended your grace and your commons and so proved by the complaint of your poor commons do give onto these poor men so assembled 4 d every day so long as they [the poor commons] have remained there [at the camp at Mousehold].
- We pray that no lord knight esquire nor gentleman do graze nor feed any bullocks or sheep if he may spend forty pounds a year by his lands but only for the provision of his house.
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