This is the footage of the actor that i was going to use as a replacement because i lost my previous actor but i decided to use the previous footage because it was a lot stronger than this footage.
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Changing of Actresss
Due to the unreliability of Catherine Bussey I am no longer able to use her as the character of Amelia Gray in my music video. I have came to two solutions, I re-shoot the video with a different actress ( Hayley Cox) or I use the footage I already have and change the narrative structure. I am going to re-shoot the video but if this actress doesn't work out then I am going to have to resolve to the use of the footage I already have.
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Kett's Rebelion: The significance of Mousehold Heath

This is the history of Mousehold Heath, and it shows what an important and historic location it is, making it more significant in my video. It also adds a very strong British signifier to the video, with tough links to Norwich.
I wanted to use the location because of the strong cultural reference, signifying English heritage with the Cathedral in the background.
It also adds mystery, as looking over the city it makes the audience wonder and confuses them to where people could be, just as the character Nathan wonders where his true love has disappeared to.
I wanted to use the location because of the strong cultural reference, signifying English heritage with the Cathedral in the background.
It also adds mystery, as looking over the city it makes the audience wonder and confuses them to where people could be, just as the character Nathan wonders where his true love has disappeared to.
Kett petitioned King Edward VI with a large number of demands:
- We pray your grace that where it is enacted for enclosing, that it be not hurtful to have enclosed saffron grounds for they be greatly chargeable to them, and that from henceforth no man shall enclose any more.
- We certify your grace that whereas the lords of the manors have been charged with certain free rent, the same lords have sought means to charge the freeholders to pay the same rent, contrary to right.
- We pray your grace that no lord of no manor shall common upon the Commons.
- We pray that priests from henceforth shall purchase no land neither free nor Bondy [neither freehold nor copyhold], and the lands that they have in possession may be let to temporal men, as they were in the first year of the reign of King Henry VII [1485].
- We pray that Redeground and meadow ground may be at such price as they were in the first year of King Henry the VII.
- We pray that all marshes that are holden of the Kings majesty by free rent or of any other, may be again at the price that they were in the first year of King Henry the VII.
- We pray that all Bushels within your realm be of one strice, that is to say, to be in measure 8 gallons.
- We pray that priests or vicars that be not able to preach and set forth the word of God to his parishioners may be thereby put from his benefice, and the parishioners there to choose another or else the patron or lord of the town.
- We pray that the payments of castle-ward rent, and blanche ferme [fee in the form of silver], and office lands [kinds of land taxes], which has been accustomed to be gathered of the tenements, whereas we suppose the lords ought to pay the same to their bailiffs for the rents fathering, and not the tenants.
- We pray that no man under the degree of a knight or esquire keep a down house [keeping Doves], except if it has been of an old ancient custom.
- We pray that all freeholders and copyholders may take the profits of all commons, and their to common, and the lords not to common nor take profits of the same.
- We pray that no Feodorye [2] within your shires shall be a councillor to any man in his office making, whereby the King may be truly served, so that a man being of good conscience may be verily chosen to the same office by the commons of the same shire.
- We pray your grace to take all liberty of let into your own hands whereby all men may quietly enjoy their commons with all profits.
- We pray that copyhold land that is reasonable rented may go as it did in the first year of King Henry VII and that at the death of a tenant or of a sale the same lands to be charged with an esey fine (which tenants often paid at the start of their landholding) as a capon or a reasonable sum of money for a remembrance.
- We pray that no priest shall be a chaplain nor no other officer to any man of honour or worship but only to be resident upon their benefices whereby their parishioners may be instructed with the laws of God.
- We pray that all bond men may be made free for god made all free with his precious blood shedding.
- We pray that Rivers may be free and common to all men for fishing and passage.
- We pray that no man shall be put by your Eschetory and Feodrie to find any office unless he holds of your grace in chief or capite above £10 a year.
- We pray that the poor mariners or Fisherman may have the whole profits of their fishings as purpres grampes whales or any great fish so it be not prejudicial to your grace.
- We pray that every proprietary parson or vicar having a benefice of £10 or more by year shall either by themselves or by some other person teach poor men’s children of their parish the book called the cathakysme and the primer.
- We pray that it be not lawful to the lords of any manor to purchase land freely and to let them out again by copy of court roll to their great advaunchement and to the undoing of your poor subjects.
- We pray that no proprietary parson or vicar in consideration of avoiding trouble and suit between them and their poor parishioners which they daily do proceed and attempt shall from henceforth take for the full contention of all the tithes which now they do receive but 8d. of the noble in the full discharge of all other tithes.
- We pray that no man under the degree of [esquire] shall keep any rabbits upon any of their own freehold or copyhold unless he pale them in [confines them] so that it shall not be to the commons nuisance.
- We pray that no manner of person of what estate degree or condition he be shall from henceforth sell the adwardshyppe of any child but that the same child if he live to his full age shall be at his own chosen concerning his marriage the King’s wards only except.
- We pray that no manor of person having a manor of his own shall be no other lord’s bailiff but only his own.
- We pray that no lord knight nor gentleman shall have or take in from any spiritual promotion [gentlemen shouldn't rent the right to collect church tithes].
- We pray your grace to give licence and authority by your gracious commission under your great seal to such commissioners as your poor commons have chosen, or to as many of them as your majesty and your counsel shall appoint and think meet [suitable], for to redress and reform all such good laws, statutes, proclamations, and all other your proceedings, which hath been hidden by your Justices of your peace, Shreves, Escheatores, and others your officers, from your poor commons, since the first year of the reign of your noble grandfather King Henry the seventh.
- We pray that those your officers that have offended your grace and your commons and so proved by the complaint of your poor commons do give onto these poor men so assembled 4 d every day so long as they [the poor commons] have remained there [at the camp at Mousehold].
- We pray that no lord knight esquire nor gentleman do graze nor feed any bullocks or sheep if he may spend forty pounds a year by his lands but only for the provision of his house.
Friday, 21 October 2011
Target Audience:Overview Profile

My artist's target audience are high media consumers, they use all of the latest gadgets and technology that the newest brands have to offer, they can never be left behind in the technology race. They consume their films through television, cinema and iTunes, iTunes has a particular impact upon media consumption within the target audience as they consume music,films, television and pod casts through it. Their mobiles are also dominated by Apple, as they are mostly likely to be owners of iPhones and if now then iPods or iPads. The audience also enjoy reading magazines, usually magazines keeping up with the newest thing. Although they read magazines they do not read newspapers as they do not care so much for the news.

The target audience of my music video and artist have high aspirations, although they may not be able to reach them they still try. Their ambitions may include acting, singing or any other creative subject. Although they have these aspirations they do not follow them as they get sucked into the world of corporate business and do apprenticeships in business and economics. Usually they wind up with higher paid jobs than your average person. Their role models are The Kooks and Boris Johnson as well as Fearn Cotton and Jason Myraz.

The target audience for my music video and Daniel Cope do not rely heavily on music, it does not dominate their lives but it is something that often sets a new trend or inspires them. They attend gigs and festivals regularly, festivals such as Latitude and Reading would be common and maybe even V Festival. They like bands and artists such as The Kooks, Ed Sheeran, Jason Myraz, Gary Jules, Ellie Goulding and Death Cab for Cutie. They often discover new music tastes through friends if it is not at a gig or through iTunes.

(Sorry about the rotated images, i rotated them but when imported they reverted back to this. Click to enlarge!)
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Character Profile: Amelia Gray( Cat Bussey)
Name: Amelia Gray
DOB: 23rd May 1993
Occupation: University Student/ Cafe Waitress
About: Amelia Gray is an 18 year old girl heading to the university of York. She is best friends with Nathan Welles who is deeply in love with her, although they have started seeing each other she does not feel the same way as him.
Why did I choose this actress?
I have chosen Catherine Bussey to be my actress and play the role of Amelia as I have used her before in previous projects such as my Cosmetics unit last year. She has a strong ability to act and therefore is the best choice.
DOB: 23rd May 1993
Occupation: University Student/ Cafe Waitress
About: Amelia Gray is an 18 year old girl heading to the university of York. She is best friends with Nathan Welles who is deeply in love with her, although they have started seeing each other she does not feel the same way as him.
Why did I choose this actress?
I have chosen Catherine Bussey to be my actress and play the role of Amelia as I have used her before in previous projects such as my Cosmetics unit last year. She has a strong ability to act and therefore is the best choice.
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
Practice Shots at St James' Hill
While I was at the location I decided to take a few practice shots, seeing which ones would work better for the location.
Long/Mid Shot:
This is shot is a long/mid shot of the two actors/actresses looking over the hill, I think this shot is effective as it not only captures the characters but also establishes the location and is a visually exciting piece of mise en scene.
Over the Shoulder Shot:
This shot is particularly effective as it captures what the characters are seeing. This brings the audience closer to the characters as they are seeing and feeling what they are feeling and seeing. This shot shares the moment with the audience, they then relate this to their own experiences.
This shot is a mid-shot of the characters, this shot has the same effect as the shot above but is closer in and more focused, it also uses the rule of thirds, particularly drawing attention to their heads as well as the cathedral in the background.
Close Up Shot
Here I have used a close up of the characters, this is useful for showing emotion and expression as well as getting a clear broad view of the character's faces. Here I have again used the rule of thirds, this time it is more prominent, highlighting/focusing on the characters eyes which shows deep and meaningful emotion.
This is an example of the long/mid shot but on the bench adding the same effect but with different mise en scene.
Long/Mid Shot:
This is shot is a long/mid shot of the two actors/actresses looking over the hill, I think this shot is effective as it not only captures the characters but also establishes the location and is a visually exciting piece of mise en scene.
Over the Shoulder Shot:
This shot is particularly effective as it captures what the characters are seeing. This brings the audience closer to the characters as they are seeing and feeling what they are feeling and seeing. This shot shares the moment with the audience, they then relate this to their own experiences.
This shot is a mid-shot of the characters, this shot has the same effect as the shot above but is closer in and more focused, it also uses the rule of thirds, particularly drawing attention to their heads as well as the cathedral in the background.
Close Up Shot
Here I have used a close up of the characters, this is useful for showing emotion and expression as well as getting a clear broad view of the character's faces. Here I have again used the rule of thirds, this time it is more prominent, highlighting/focusing on the characters eyes which shows deep and meaningful emotion.
This is an example of the long/mid shot but on the bench adding the same effect but with different mise en scene.
New Location: St James' Hill
I have chosen to use St James' Hill because just before dusk as it is a romantic location, watching the sunset as well as looking over the city at night, when all of the lights are on is quite stunning. So i thought this location adds into the romantic aspect of the video, but it is also a very lonely place, somewhere that people would go by themselves for personal time or to think things over as it's quiet and peaceful. This is the additional reason because the character of Nathan could come to this location and see the character of Amelia, imagining her.

Sunday, 2 October 2011
Target Audience: "Find Your Tribe" Profile
What is Find Your Tribe/UK Tribes?
Find Your Tribe is a youth research program set up in 2005 by Channel 4 to discover the niche target audiences within youth culture. Channel 4 commissioned Crowd DNA(Ramp Industry at the time) to run a project called TV Glue,which looked to measure how TV could remain a unifying force in "the midst" of media fragmentation. A small section of this focused on youth culture and broke down the youth into tribes based upon music, sports, fashion and technology which glue the young people together. From this UK Tribes was created, extending the research, exploring the youth and discovering tribes described by the youths themselves. The primary idea behind "UK Tribes" was to research into minor social groups/tribes to gather information that may influence or develop television shows on the channel, all they wanted to know was about their TV use, from favorites to hatreds.
Rah! There’s nothing like a good gaffaw on the young society scene for one’s weekend. Head up to Henley in the 4 x 4 with a bunch of mates from Bristol. It’s all about having fun right now, but you’ll ask Daddy to put the feelers out for that job in the city on Monday. There’s plenty of time when one is young, no?
Find Your Tribe is a youth research program set up in 2005 by Channel 4 to discover the niche target audiences within youth culture. Channel 4 commissioned Crowd DNA(Ramp Industry at the time) to run a project called TV Glue,which looked to measure how TV could remain a unifying force in "the midst" of media fragmentation. A small section of this focused on youth culture and broke down the youth into tribes based upon music, sports, fashion and technology which glue the young people together. From this UK Tribes was created, extending the research, exploring the youth and discovering tribes described by the youths themselves. The primary idea behind "UK Tribes" was to research into minor social groups/tribes to gather information that may influence or develop television shows on the channel, all they wanted to know was about their TV use, from favorites to hatreds.
Rah! There’s nothing like a good gaffaw on the young society scene for one’s weekend. Head up to Henley in the 4 x 4 with a bunch of mates from Bristol. It’s all about having fun right now, but you’ll ask Daddy to put the feelers out for that job in the city on Monday. There’s plenty of time when one is young, no?
Uk Tribe Target Audience:Rah on Prezi
What might marketers find useful from this information?
Marketers would find the whole of the research project useful, using all of the information to target specific niche audiences. This would be useful to cater to the likes and dislikes of the youth as well as discovering viewing times and how much a young adult watches television at specific times in the day. It makes marketers aware of the ranges of audiences, informing their work more, creating more effective products for these audiences. Not only will they be able to cater their work to the audience they will be able to see which niche audience or tribe views which programs, therefore increasing showings or developing another series, focusing upon the demand. Certain conventions and stereotypes can then be included in programs to get these audiences to relate to them making the end product more effective once again.
Target Audience:Musical Profile- Festivals and Other Bands ( Not Finished)

These are some of the other artists i think that my target audience would listen too. Looking at examples of their work, you can pick out the simialrities and differences along with the references or inferences to specific target audiences.
Death Cab for Cutie

For my artist i have chosen Latitude festival, it is a traditional music festival that occurs every July in Henham Park near Southwold. Latitude keeps to the same genres of music, using small time bands and artists as well as other activities for everyone to enjoy. The festival doesn't just provide music but just about everything else as well, with poetry, comedy, films and other miscellaneous things such as colourful sheep.

Latitude's homepage can tell you a lot about the festival and what sort of audience they are appealing too and how they do it. Latitude promotes itself as a diverse festival full of entertainment for all the family. They use a mystical/hippiesk theme, promoting the environment and the idea of fantasy. This theme attracts the audience as they see it as relaxing and enjoyable, being able to sit in a field and enjoy some of their favorite acts. The border on the website is very significant as this hippiesk theme as it makes the festival seem friendly, happy and in tune with nature. Also the fact that they are drawings also indicates that they are very artistic themselves adding to the imaginative nature of the festival. Another aspect that demonstrates this is the quote at the top of the page, "It's more than just a music festival" which is written in a curvy, wavy style which looks like the notes of music floating through the air, indicating artiness. The font is also important as it emphasises the idea of fairy tales as it's been written in a conventional fairy tale font. This all not only applies to the adults and young adults, but it really interests children, making it a mystical and wonderful place for them.
Mentioning the hippiesk theme earlier, the festival promotes the idea of how they stuck to the same themes and style as they have years before, as well as referencing to traditional festivals and their classic attenders, hippies, which is what latitude are aiming for except they are focusing on the "modern hippie". This is prominently indicated through all of the artistic natural themes.

The target audience of this festival are young adults between 16 and 25, as well as families of all ages. This is because of the natural artistic theme, as well as the genre of music and all of the other activities that are there for everyone to do.
What can you learn from this information that will be useful in designing your music video/ digipak/ planning the marketing of the band?
From this information I can learn that the audience always want to associate themselves with the band, especially my target audience because how they dress is based upon the new high street fashion, which is where it comes from. So showing the artist on the cover may be the best option to maximise audience reception. Not only this I have discovered that the use of nature and art also has an effect upon the audience, just as the latitude festival does. It attracts the target audience, making them want to be artistic and more "green", just as the artist is promoted at the festival.
Monday, 26 September 2011
Analysis of Death Cab For Cutie Video "I Will Follow You Into The Dark" 1st Draft
Death Cab For Cutie are an American alternative indie rock/pop band. In their music video, “ I Will Follow You Into The Dark” they use a range of camera techniques, genre conventions and other methods of pulling in the audience, whilst entertaining them.
The video is set in a small studio apartment, throughout the video the character is in the apartment and never leaves. They do this to create the feeling of entrapment and fear, as if he is waiting for something to come. There is one character throughout also, a male who is short, wears glasses and dresses to appeal to the audience. He wears a stylish shirt with a tie as well as khaki coloured trousers and white trainers. This costume appeals to the target audience, the target audience being 16 to 25 interested in alternative music.
The music video uses many of Goodwin’s theories, from notions of looking to the complete focus on the artist. The first Goodwin theory and the most used one is the complete focus on the artist. Throughout the music video the artist is always in the shots, this is because he is the character in the narrative. Using this theory the director advertises the band/particular singer, making him stand out and seem important. This is very important to the audience as they can recognise with the artist.
The second theory is the notion of looking. The director uses the notion of looking repeatedly throughout the video, starting with the notion of looking through the guitar, using this the director creates ambiguity of what is about to happen. Another time is when the character looks through the hole in the floor boards, this creates more ambiguity to what he is seeing. Also later on when the floor boards fall through then there is a notion of looking coming from there, looking up into the room as if there is someone down in the darkness. The use of the notion of looking creates ambiguity overall, making the watcher intrigued and interested.
Another theory of Goodwin’s is the relationship between the lyrics and the images, the director is linking the lyrics about darkness throughout the video, linking it with the dark hole appearing in the middle of the apartment.
The next theory of Goodwin’s is the link between music and images, in the video there is a link between the guitar and the music as well as the singer singing in sync in the video. This idea brings the music and the narrative together.
There are no dominant inter textual references in the video.
The music video uses many of the genre conventions including the use of the acoustic guitar, the acoustic guitar is a generic signifier of the alternative/ indie pop genre. This signifies to the audience straight away that the video is of this genre.
The director uses many different camera angles and shots, close ups of the character and the focuses as well as over the shoulder shots and angled shots to make the video more artistic.
In the video the director is creating a representation of the band through one character. They are represented as lonely and loyal, through the idea of being confined to one room, and sticking to that concept. The character represents the band as a whole and this then relates to the audience. The audience use this character as a link, letting the audience put themselves into that position.
In conclusion I think that the video uses the majority of Goodwin’s theories along with a range of camera techniques and styles. Using both of these has added to the uniqueness and quality of the music video as well as creating ambiguity throughout. The setting and character play a big part in relating to the audience because it may well be that a lot of students or young adults live in studio apartments and feel that the world is keeping them there. The black/darkness then being the way out for them. This could then be a metaphor for escape.
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
This is what Uk Tribe says about me:
You are an Indie Scenester! You are at the forefront on the indie scene – you know all the major players. You’re always ahead of the game – moving on to the next thing once everyone joins in. You like to look good and your icons go beyond the centrefold of the NME – your current look is James Dean meets Grace Jones. Just wait – everyone will be wearing it in a year’s time.
Friday, 16 September 2011
Costume: Nathan Welles (Chris Healey)

Tuesday, 6 September 2011
Shot List for Beach Shoot
1. Establishing Shot of the couple running down the hill to the beach.
2. Long Shot of the couple running.
3. Mid-Shot of the couple stopped, about to kiss.
4.Long Shot of Nathan chasing Amelia into the distance.
5. Low Angle Shot of Amelia falling to the ground, while Nathan gets on the floor next to her.
6. Close Up of Nathan giving his necklace to Amelia.
7. Close Up of them kissing.
8. Over the Shoulder Shot of Nathan.
9. Over the Shoulder Shot of Amelia.
10. Over the Shoulder Shot of Nathan.
11. Long Shot of Amelia getting up and running, while Nathan chases after her.
12. Close Up of writing in the sand.
Character: Nathan Welles
DOB: 5th August 1990
Occupation: Chef,At Healey Restaurant.
About: Nathan Welles is a chef at Healey Restaurant, a restaurant owned by his uncle. His ambition has always been to be a chef and his uncle has made that possible for him. His dream is to own a restaurant and live with his girlfriend Amelia, but he fears that Amelia doesn't feel the same.
Why did I choose this actor?
The actor is Chris Healey, I have chosen him because he is a close friend of mine therefore he is very reliable. His acting abilities are good for the music videos demands. He fits the character as well as he is a man with a tough exterior but very emotional at the same time, which is just like the character. His appearance also compliments the character with his styled hair and strong jaw line as well as how tall he is. His dress code also fitted the genre and the target audience, so i was easily able to pick out his costume from his wardrobe.Friday, 2 September 2011
Looking at the Conventions of the Acoustic Genre
This track by Ed Shearing has an interesting video which shows some of the conventions of an acoustic genre music video. The use of a complex narrative is a feature of the acoustic genre music videos, the narrative is a story built with a meaning or emotion behind it. This is used to play with the audiences feelings, toying with emotions, making the song meaningful and more "real". This is prominent in the video "The A Team" by Ed Shearing, with the homeless girl who sleeps with men for drugs. This is what it is like for those who are like her living contemporary British cities and this is what the genre plays on.This theme is also used in "Trainspotting". The reason for the focus on somebody living rough is to draw the audiences attention to how they have to struggle and suffer to survive, making the audience feel sorry for them, upsetting them somewhat. Often acoustic videos will build up to climax, leading the audience along, an example of this is "Better With You" by Five Times August In this video the man is in love with a fellow teacher and he gets embarrassed by others throughout, slowly building up to the end where he achieved his goal and got the girl.
Another convention is the use of slow motion and fast forwarding, indicating the speed of time, a video that also uses this is "The Remedy" by Jason Myraz. This technique is used when showing time and boredom or representing how long someone is doing something. It makes the audience think about how time passes so quickly.
Another convention is the use of slow motion and fast forwarding, indicating the speed of time, a video that also uses this is "The Remedy" by Jason Myraz. This technique is used when showing time and boredom or representing how long someone is doing something. It makes the audience think about how time passes so quickly.
An aspect that is prominent is nearly all acoustic songs/music videos is that it is about someone, it is mainly male singers which write and sing about women,girlfriends and bestfriends,people who are close to them. There is always an emotional tie in the lyrics which create a storyline based around women characters. But if it is not about someone special then they are usually about world affairs or events within the artists life.
Thursday, 1 September 2011
Location: Kitchen
I have chosen to use a kitchen because I thought that it is a general place to be when at home and could be included in the video.
Location: Back Garden
I have chosen to use a back garden as the location for the singer to sit or stand and play the guitar, I thought that standing under a tree in a peaceful surrounding suited the genre of the music. I thought that it gave the impression of happiness and joyful singing but it also enhanced the sadness behind the story.
Location: Sea Palling Beach
Sea Palling beach is the beach that I have chosen to use because it's quiet and romantic, there aren't many people around and the beaches aren't ruined by litter. This beach will make it easier to film at as well as there will be no interruptions.
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Inspirational Music Video: "When September Ends" By Green Day
This video "When September Ends" by Green Day is my inspiration for my video because many of the aspects I wish to include in my video. The story in this video is a love story, a couple who promise never to separate spend all their time together but then the boyfriend signs up for the army and leaves her behind. The story and the different types of shots and angles used in this video have inspired my idea. In the video there are a lot of close ups and extreme close ups focusing on the artist as well as the characters, which is one of Goodwin''s theories of music videos. The conversation at the beginning of the video is also an idea that I thought I could include in my video, I thought that this was interesting because it makes the music video have a deeper story.
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
General Location Ideas

The track is based upon a love story or a friendship, this is why i thought the seaside was appropriate because it is fun yet calm and romantic. I thought that the fun side of the seaside is an arcade as well as the romantic side walking along the beach, both being something couples would do together.
The seaside also fits the genre because it is calm and slow not upbeat and fast moving.
Not only does this location fit the genre and the story line but it is also generic British location, signifying that the video is a British music video.

I thought that a field would also be an ideal location because it is calm, peaceful and quiet. I got this idea from the "When September Ends" music video by Green Day. The field would work as somewhere that the couple spend or spent time together, to isolate them from the world around them.

I thought that a car is essential in the video as driving in a car together is mentioned in the lyrics, this would be a visual reference to the lyrics, one of the six theories of Goodwin.

I thought that the town/city would be a good location for my music video because I thought that the couple could be together in the city, shopping, having a coffee or at a restaurant. But i also thought that if the story was about the boyfriend being alone without his girlfriend then he could be by himself in the street indicating loneliness and depression. On the other hand he could be on a crowded street, following the girl or getting lost.
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